
vingt-six avril

Went drinking before the picnic. Total bummer cause police came in the middle of the night
Everyone was stunned cause more than half were underage.
At the end they were okay with us drinking just that neighbours complained on the noise level.
Pissed me off a bit cause HDB people eally like to complain a lot.
No offense. I'm referring to the older generation.

Right after that, majority kinda went to sleep.Owell
By the time I reached, everyone was leaving already=(
Spent some time crapping with Holqa.
Espeially the co ordination thingy I did with marcus an nicholas!HAHAHA
We followed by Star gazing at the breakwaters.
The stars were really nice that day.
Accompanied lingyu a bit before heading home.
I guess I would say I enjoy spending my time with her?